Smart Link Building Tips to Boost Your Search Rankings

Smart Link Building Tips to Boost Your Search Rankings


The eternal question in the minds of SEO mongers and marketing experts pertains to what would their clients want – better search engine rankings or higher traffic? The answer to this trick question is that they crave to have both. This is because both these metrics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are equally important and cannot be done without. Google looks for high authority pages and gives them a priority on search engine rankings. On the other hand, well-formed links are responsible for building the authority of web pages and also improve upon the overall SEO worthiness. As duplicate content tends to get penalized, it’s important to avoid it at all costs.

In the paragraphs given below, you’ll understand the nuances of a successful link building campaign that goes beyond anchor text phrases and quality content.

Link Building Resources that You Cannot Do Without

These helpful links are based on industry best practices that have it in them to provide good results. Once implemented in your SEO campaigns, these link building tools can help in increasing your site traffic and search engine rankings alike. They increase the Domain Authority of your site and link you up with trusted resources that are likely to be lapped up by your subscribers and prospects.

  1. Broken link building exercises

Earlier on, link building could be practiced easily with just a few PBN (private blog network) websites. You could get going with a few links that could escalate your organic rankings manifold. Nowadays, PBNs are not as effective as they used to be and Google is capable of pushing your rankings down to an all-time low. Therefore, in order to improve upon your links and search listings, it’s important to increase the search term traffic and facilitate a better click-through rate (CTR). For this, you need to adopt the methods of broken link building, which is a scalable white-hat technique for attaining more result-worthy links. In this content-focused strategy for different types of link building campaigns, you need to assess the broken or inactive links, analyze the relevance of different pages, and start creating more targeted and valuable content for replacing what’s broken.

  1. Keep updated and patient

Link building and online success do not happen overnight. It’s important to be focused and patient to attain the results you seek. Experts in link building will help you know more about the types of links that are loved by Google. Look for helpful search term content to foster consolidated relationships with industry leaders. Adopt the right means to approach and identify high authority sites that’ll not stop you from linking up to their resources. It also helps to trigger off and build up strong and long-lasting relationships with industry influencers and bloggers.

  1. Guest posting or article marketinghuffpost

It’s okay to have fans and followers link to your blog/ website or write about you. The important thing to note is are they creating natural links for the purpose? Commercial keyword stuffing and unnatural use of anchor texts will lead you nowhere. In fact, you may fall into trouble with Google as your site would appear spammy or suspicious to the search engine giant. Try using navigational phrases or brand keywords as a good alternative for the cause of building helpful links.

  1. Blogposts & forum comments

You may want to share relatable and relevant links after participating in forums, blogs, and active discussions connected to your business. The idea is to gain optimal visibility and mileage through this type of link building exercise. Ensure that there’s no overuse of commercial terms and keywords as you go about the task of putting in anchor texts.

  1. Provide testimonials

It’s always a good thing to invest your resources in the testimonial link building. Most businesses would be happy to hear from you about your experiences when it comes to buying and using their products. Testimonials are very helpful in building customer trust. Besides, they provide good opportunities to receive potential traffic and backlinks from the sites that boast of better approval rates than the regular standard link e-mails with requests. When you post a testimonial, the company in the reckoning will be happy to get some good words while you get a valuable backlink for your website.

Link Building Helps!

Invest time and resources in the best link building exercises to take your business to the next levels of success. Increase your search engine rankings and visibility by reaching out to experienced SEO and link building experts or a company of your choice, today.