5 powerful tips to optimize Instagram for business


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Internet marketing is the new age of marketing in the era of the Internet. Any website that doesn’t market themselves on social media and search engines are losing out on a lot of customers. They are also making way for their competitors to take away from their pool of potential customers.

Social media is a powerful driving force that can not only gets your account followers but also increases your brand image. It’s a great way to retain existing customers as well. Instagram is the number one platform for sharing videos and photos online. It has more than 800 million users and more than 60 million photos make their way on the social media website every day. Bloggers and influencers who have tapped the potential of Instagram have a massive pool of followers and with the right strategies, a brand can become an influencer too. Here is a pool of strategies that every influencer Instagram account must employ.

  1. Get a business profile

The first thing to do is to switch your account to a business account. The biggest benefit you get from this is that followers can directly get in touch with you similar to how they could contact you from your own website.

In case there is a need to delete the existing account to switch over to a new one, you can follow the exhaustive guide on https://www.digitallogic.co/blog/how-to-delete-or-deactivate-instagram/ and approach your marketing from a new perspective. 

  1. Track metrics using free tools

Free tools on the business profile allow influencers to keep a tab on the traffic demographic which includes information like their age, location, gender and their activity on your profile.

Let’s not forget the insights that you get from these tools like impressions, top posts and viewer activity. These free tools are a boon to businesses because they show how users interact with your content. Optimize your posts and engagement using these tools. You’ll know exactly the kind of content that drives users the most.

  1. Product teasers

Now we come to the marketing aspect of Instagram. The idea is to engage and maximize relevant followers that’ll bring in more business. With good creative and relevant information, entice followers to try your product.

Remember that aggressive marketing and poorly constructed campaigns can have a negative impact and make you lose your followers. Don’t try too hard and include discounts and exciting offers to drive customers.

  1. Sponsored ads

Use the sponsored ad feature on Instagram to drive targeted ads. The carousel feature allows influencers and brands to feature a variety of products and services. The best part of these ads is that there is a feature that lets you control your budget on these ads.

Choose from a variety of platforms to showcase your ads like photos, videos, stories, carousels, and stories canvas.

  1. Instagram stories

Stories are only live for 24 hours but there are myriad ways that these are beneficial. Add content in this slideshow format that is not suitable for posts. Engage customers by personalizing this content. These stories are displayed right at the top of the home page where there is maximum visibility.

Try these Instagram features now and see a huge boost in your business. The more you get customers talking about you the more you grow your brand.